Raumaster Code of Conduct

The ethical principles, which guide our company's approach to doing business are set out below. These principles are applied to all Raumaster’s operations and all our employees must comply with them.

Legality of operation

Raumaster employees operate in accordance with the valid laws and regulations and agreements that the company is bound by. We also expect our cooperation partners to comply with them.
We operate in a transparent manner and adhere to the principles of fair competition. We do not use unethical business practices. We respect the agreements and commitments we have made. We also expect the same from our cooperation partners.

Company funds and assets

All employees are obligated to protect the company's funds, assets and intellectual property. Employees do not have the right to use the company's funds, assets, information or opportunities arising during employment for self-promotion or gain.
Each Raumaster employee is responsible for the appropriate use of company assets and/or a customer entrusted to him or her, and shall protect these assets from damage, loss and misuse. All employees sharing confidential information regarding the company or customer are committed to keeping the said information confidential.

UN Global Compact principles

Within its sphere of influence, Raumaster adheres to the ten UN Global Compact principles related to human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption activity:

Human rights:

1. We respect internationally proclaimed human rights.

2. We are not complicit in human rights abuse.

Raumaster does not take part in activity abusing human rights. We also expect our suppliers, service providers and subcontractors to respect human rights. Raumaster does not sell or buy products or services from parties found to infringe upon human rights.


3. We respect freedom of association and collective bargaining.

Raumaster respects its personnel's freedom to join trade unions and workers' associations. These groups have the right to select a shop steward from amongst themselves to represent them in negotiations between the employer and employee groups.

Within the workplace there is a cooperative occupational safety organisation promoting health and safety at work, to which employees elect their representatives.
The goal is to keep negotiations between the employer and employees constructive and in good faith, without fear of possible sanctions.

4. We respect work-related agreements and terms and conditions.

At Raumaster, we follow the labour conditions specified and agreed upon between the employer and the employee in the law, collective labour agreements and contracts of employment. Work is assigned and conducted in compliance with the agreed conditions.

We expect our suppliers, service providers and subcontractors to comply with labour conditions that respect human worth. We do not cooperate with companies, where forced or compulsory labour is used or the circumstances are inhumane.

5. We follow the minimum age of employees specified nationally or in Global Compact.

Only employees of the proper age are hired at Raumaster. Students and schoolchildren are hired for seasonal work in accordance with the minimum age specified in Finnish law.

Raumaster's suppliers, service providers and subcontractors must adhere by the national minimum ages.

If the ages specified in national legislation are lower than those provided in the UN Global Compact, the age limits provided in Global Compact are used.

6. Discrimination, harassment, bullying and inappropriate treatment is not allowed in any form.

Discrimination is forbidden irrespective of whether it is based on a fact or assumption concerning a person himself or herself or someone else. Discrimination can consist of targeting any human characteristic. The reasons may include, among others, gender, age, ethnicity, nationality, skin colour, language, religion, belief, opinion, political activity, trade union activity, family relations, state of health, disability, sexual orientation, social class or capability.

Harassment, bullying and inappropriate treatment are not allowed in any form and will be addressed immediately should they arise.


7. We take into account the possible environmental impact of our operation.

We regularly survey the environmental impact and risk of our operation. Should any environmental risks be detected we develop methods to manage it.

8. We continually develop our operations in a more environmentally-friendly direction.

We set targets to lower the impact on the environment. We continuously monitor these and strive to improve on our ability to meet the targets.

We optimise use of raw materials, energy and water and minimise waste load.

We promote recycling of materials and use renewable natural resources when possible.

9. We use as much environmentally-friendly technology as possible in our operation.

We continuously monitor our production technologies and processes, which help make our production more environmentally-friendly.


10. We do not take part in the execution of any form of corruption, including extortion and bribery.

Raumaster or its employees do not give or accept money or any gifts that are inappropriately expen-sive or other benefits which can be regarded as an attempt to influence decision-making.

Raumaster employees do not give or accept gifts, trips, hospitality or services, which exceed customary hospitality. Hospitality at Raumaster is always appropriate.

Compliance with ethical guidelines

Raumaster personnel must comply with these ethical principles. Through his or her signature, each employee shall confirm that he or she understands these ethical principles and is committed to working in accordance with them.

We expect that our suppliers, service providers and subcontractors adhere to ethical principles, all valid national laws and international treaties, as well as respecting human rights. When a supplier, service provider or subcontractor signs a purchase order, he or she agrees to comply with the ethical principles attached to the purchase order.

If company management discovers that ethical guidelines have been neglected, any reports will be investigated and, if need be, measures will be taken to rectify the situation.