Environmental requirements for suppliers

Environmental requirements for external suppliers

At Raumaster Oy, environmental management (incl. energy efficiency) is based on the requirements set out in ISO 14001 and Motiva’s Energy Efficiency System (EES), on regulatory requirements and requirements of Raumaster Oy’s stakeholders, as well as on Raumaster Oy’s environmental policy and environmental goals.

The objective of Raumaster Oy is to identify and minimise environmental impacts through actions based on environmental management, and to promote through its own operation the commitment of external suppliers to assessing and minimising environmental impacts.

Requirements for external suppliers

Raumaster Oy requires its external suppliers to either implement an environmental system with ISO 14001:2015 certification or demonstrate in the management system compliance of operation with the environmental system, such as an environmental policy and environmental goals. The external supplier shall also comply with local environmental laws and regulatory requirements. The supplier is further required to either use a certified EES-/EES+ system or demonstrate its intention to invest efforts in energy efficiency and reduction of energy consumption.